Monday, March 7, 2011

The perfect version.

I tend to discover music on the internet; so I have a constant dilemma. Namely, there are lots of versions of most songs, and a lot of them suck. This is especially true if the artist isn't well known, or the song isn't yet released; however, this can still be a problem with more well known songs.

A song which I have been listening to a lot lately is "You Don't Know Me" by Ben Folds (w Regina Spektor), from the album Way to Normal. Someone posted it on facebook. I loved it upon first listen, and bookmarked the page, and for a while I just listened to that version. I'm pretty sure it was this one:

After listening to that version about 400 times just by loading the youtube video, I decided to download it. And since I really like Ben Folds, I decided to do something I rarely do: pay for it. I was sad to find out that the version I downloaded from iTunes was slightly different. Maybe it was just the settings on my iPod, but the version I have seems to have less bass and Ben's vocals are weaker. So I tried to find a downloadable version more to my liking. In my search I quickly found that there is a version with a music video created by Tim and Eric linked here: