Wednesday, February 16, 2011


To clarify before the post formally begins, and to avoid a "who's on first?" type of moment, "Why?" (spelled with a question mark) is the name of the band this post concerns.

Why? is a folk/alternative rock band with a splash of hip-hop thrown in at times. They are on the Anticon label, known for alternative hip-hop, but becoming increasingly indie/rock. Why?'s albums are very thematically driven, and their lyrics are more concerned with imagery and emotion than substantive meaning.

Elephant Eyelash (2005) is their first album worth mentioning. Death, disease, decay, and elephants are common motifs. Yeah, I don't understand the specific relevance of elephants, but they are all over this album.

Their most popular song according to the youtubes is "Gemini (Birthday Song)". It starts off strong, but in my opinion kind of burns out with the third verse at the tempo change. The song is sad, and though it's meaning isn't quite evident, it makes me think of someone losing a loved one at a young age to premature death. The lyrics are a recounting of their time together while the singer tries to stay strong. Elephant reference: "and all our body hair pricked up // an elephant eyelash"

"Sanddollars" is another song I enjoy off of the album; upbeat and nonsensical, it seems to tell the tale of a drunken graffiti adventure. Paranoia is a strong theme, as must be the case with most graffiti artists. Elephant reference: "I wrote this one on dead chipped elephant ivory // when they come I'll close the closet door."

"Whispers into the other" reminds me a lot of "Sanddollars," and is, I think, the last really good song the album has to offer. It speaks of hitting on fat chicks, jealousy, and exes. Or at least I think it does. One line I really enjoy is "Every time I see a Honda Civic, my heart jumps right through," which I can Identify with. Maybe it's just me, but whenever I see the same make/model/and color of an exes/crushes car I get a nervous feeling, almost like a cop is tailing me. Elephant reference: "And I don't want to dance with your shadow no more // or listen through an elephant's ear for you."

"Crushed Bones" is a trippy tale of a drunken, paranoid, drug-addled trip through London. Some of the lyrics are a bit jarring, such as "And your eyes are slits in bags of fat // and your eyes are pissholes in the snow." It's a strange way to start off the album, and while it's pretty prototypical of Why?, I don't think it's a good song to introduce somebody to the band with. It's a song that one can only get into once you're used to Why?'s sound. I am not a fan of people who hate a song at first, but after the radio plays it every hour they eventually like it; what I am saying is that Why? is a band that some people may have to learn to appreciate, but not force themselves into liking. Elephant reference: strangely missing.

I am not usually the type to say that "It's a solid album," or "It's not a great song, but it fits the album." This is an exception to that. There are a lot of songs on it that I won't listen to except when listening to the album the whole way through. Other notable songs are "the hoofs" which always makes me think of my dentist, and "Waterfalls," which is just terrifying. If you ever want to make somebody go insane, give them some LSD, and lock them in a room with "Waterfalls" and "Wild Honey Pie" from The White Album on repeat.

Why? followed up Elephant Eyelash with Alopecia (2008). "By Torpedo's or Crohn's" is my favorite song from the album, and is the song that got me into Why? when I heard it on my friend Steve's Xbox. It's on a short list of songs which I really like, but has one line in it that makes me embarrassed to play it at work. "It seems just, as a kid I did not shit my pants much // why start now with this stuff // and I do not bluff.'' I guess when Crohn's Disease is mentioned in the title I shouldn't be surprised, but it's still a little awkward to sing while doing dishes if someone were to walk in the back room. As in Elephant Eyelash, death is a prevalent theme. "Torpedos or Crohn's" is about death and honor, and the value of life and that how you are remembered can diminish that. It also contains a self-referential line to the writing of the song itself, something I've noticed a few other Why? songs contain.

Eskimo Snow (2009) is Why?'s most recent album. While it doesn't contain any smash hits, neither have any of their other albums, so shut up. In the words of lead vocalist Yoni Wolf, "[it is] a bit more wild, and the drums have more room mics. They're more open. The sound is more open, more live ... This record, Eskimo Snow, is really the least hip-hop out of anything I've ever been involved with. I mean, they feel like song-songs with-- I don't want to say a typical verse-chorus structure, but they're song-songs." Thanks wikipedia.

My favorite song from the album, and I think their most mainstream song is "This Blackest Purse." It makes me think of a movie with twists, action, and no expository dialogue; a little gritty and vague, but good. I'm sure I'm not explaining this very well, but I had to say something before posting this link.

All in all, Why? is a very emotional and lyrically-driven band. They are great to listen to when you're pissed at everything, and bad to listen to when you're thinking about killing yourself. The singing may not be great, and the lyrics are a bit abstract, but the imagery is very strong and vivid. I'm pretty sure that few would agree with me on the images the songs make me envision, but I think that having multiple and non-assured meaning is a cornerstone in good works of art. They are worth checking out if you want to be cooler than your friends and like music that makes them feel uncomfortable.

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