Monday, February 7, 2011

"Come Around Sundown": A Review

Released in October of 2010, this latest album from the Kings of Leon provided a different, dare I say country-esque sound that varied heavily from their previous works. It does not contain that one "smash hit" as seen in their previous album ,Only By the Night, where both "Sex On Fire" and "Use Somebody" were received well by pop music charts. While it does not contain the hits, it truly is a very solid and complete album with absolutely no filler songs. The first single from the album, "Radioactive," has been the most widely recognizable song from the album. While it is a solid song, it has the most "pop" characteristics of any song on the album and is not the best it has to offer. Overall I believe Come Around Sundown is worth a listen in its entirety, even for those of you who are not fans of the Kings of Leon's previous works.

My top five songs from Come Around Sundown:
1. "Back Down South"
2. "Pyro"
3. "Mi Amigo"
4. "The Face"
5. "Mary"
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