Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hey all, I'm a new contributor here, but it looks like everyone is since this blog is only a few days old. I am one of those billion people on facebook whose musical taste basically says, "everything but country". So while that's kind of clichéd, I think that you can tell just about as much about someone's musical taste by what they vehemently dislike as by what they like. I've been told that I don't actually hate country by my best friend, just the country they play on country radio stations, and that may be true. I also dislike Gwen Stefani, any rap song that talks about how great the rapper is, songs by girls complaining about boys, and Gospel. More to the point I am into classic rock, some alternative, some punk, and some indie rock; really an eclectic mix, but that's a good summary. I go to a lot of concerts and spend a lot of time on the youtubes trying to find new music.

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