Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Less Than Jake

This is the third band that I am writing about, and like I said in my intro, I like a lot of different music. Here I bring you a ska punk band that is based in Gainesville, Florida. They have been together for about 19 years, starting in 1992. They have gone through a couple different band members through the years, but seem to have settled on a group for now. In their music they have a guitarist, bassist, drummer, and include a person on the trombone and someone on the saxophone. The band does an excellent job using the horns mixed in with the other instruments.

Less Than Jake has released 9 studio albums, which my favorites include Losing Steak, Borders and Boundaries, and Hello Rockview. These albums include a lot of songs that I would for sure recommend checking out like "Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts", "Gainesville Rockcity", and "Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin". The song "Gainesville Rockcity" is actually about their hometown and has a pretty cool music video that shows a lot of places that have to do with the history of the band. The biggest of the videos below is the music video I am talking about.

About two years ago, I went to a Less Than Jake concert at the Town Ball Room in Buffalo. The concert was awesome. The crowd was out of control, with people dancing around everywhere, people crowd surfing, and a bunch of people starting mosh pits. The band really seemed to enjoy the crowd and made the crowd feel more involved in the show by talking to them between songs.

I actually showed up at the show a little late, so I missed the beginning of the show, but while I was there they played almost every song I would have wanted to hear. They even did a song special for Buffalo that they made, the Lets Go Buffalo Song. I had a hard time finding a video of the show in Buffalo, but the video below shows a part of the concert. It is a little long, but it kind of shows how the band interacts with the crowd, and has some good music on it too. The Lets Go Buffalo Song is on the video too.

Here are two more of my favorite songs by the band, "Dopeman" from the album Losing Streak, and "Look What Happened" from the album Borders and Boundaries.


  1. Great band never heard them till I went to this blog; definitely will continue to listen to this band more often.

  2. wow less than jake! you're so ahead of the curve! by the way, i just heard of this band called metallica the other should totally check 'em out!

  3. thanks for the constructive comment.

  4. Glad you posted about Less than Jake and talked about your experience with them live. I like how you introduce and give some background on the band and then go into some of your favorite songs.
    The video you found from the Buffalo show is awesome, thanks for posting it.


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