Saturday, February 12, 2011

Smooth Acoustics: Colin Hay

Not too long ago I stumbled upon an artist that sounded pretty good on an episode of one of my favorite shows, Scrubs. I was curious as to who it was, but did not catch it in the credits and forgot to search the episode online to see who the artist was. A few weeks later, I was watching Scrubs again, and another song by this artist came on, and this time, almost right after the episode, I looked up the artist.

After figuring out that the artists name was Colin Hay, and the song that I liked was Beautiful World, I started looking up some of his songs on the YouTube. I discovered a whole library of his work with each song sounding great.

I am still finding stuff of his that I have not listened to yet. Apparently he has been around since 1978 when he started an Australian band called Men At Work. In 1985, the band broke up, and he has been recording solo work ever since. A lot of the songs I have listened to of his have been primarily just an acoustic guitar and him singing. He has a pretty distinct voice that fits in perfectly with the acoustic guitar.

After Beautiful World, I finally found the song that I heard the first time when I was watching Scrubs, Overkill. After listening to this song a couple times, I kind of started to understand the whole meaning of the song. The overall message of the song can be pretty powerful and I feel people can relate to it.

In my own words, I would say this song is about how people think about things too much and over analyze things that may be happening in their life. People focus more on what can go wrong and worry too much about it rather than focusing on the positive. It shows peoples fear of things not going the way they want them to.

Another one of my favorite songs by Colin Hay is called I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You. Below is a video that includes the lyrics for the song.

Here is one more song that I really like of his. This one was actually used in Scrubs too, although he didn't perform it, the cast from the show did. Can you tell how much I like Scrubs? Anyways, this song is called Waiting For My Real Life To Begin.

Colin Hay has so much stuff on the internet, so if you like any of this, I recommend searching his name and listening to him some more. Enjoy.


  1. Not Gonna lie the first few second of hearing each song I knew that it was going to be good would recommend it to anyone!!!!!!!!

  2. Recent studies show that reading a drew post lowers one's IQ by 12 points.

  3. After reading this I can honestly say I feel blessed. I have been trying to sleep for the longest time this really did the trick. I was snoring by the end of it.

  4. thanks for the feedback anonymous.

  5. Good post. I didn't think I'd like his music when I first started listening to it, but the messages in his songs are strong. His music is really calming and you're spot on with "smooth acoustics". I see what you're talking about with the message in Overkill. Good recommendation, thanks for sharing!


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